Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
My Body Painting Development.
Here I am going to show a progression of my own attempts at body painting via self evaluation, in both the whole form of the body and different areas.

Blackpool National Team event Competition work.
Regional Round Januaray 2013.
National Round March 2013.
Face Makeup & Tie detail painting: Kate Garrett
Hair, back & Arm body painting: Joanna Lewin
Here are some images of my progression of creating an arm influenced suit and tie for a team competition event. These Images show how the design developed and how my skilled improved. Looking at it now there are lots of thing I would develop fro things I ave learnt and how my skills have improved but at the time I was really proud of this piece of work.
Especially as I had to paint it on myself looking in a mirror which in itself a massive challange then I had the time restrains of the competiton which meant I had to practise this piece many ties to get it to a good standard and within the time allowed. This not only tested my body painting skills but my time keeping and organisation.

Body Painting animals.
This was used as part of my final major project at college in 2014.
The elephant on the left has just been paint ong the thigh, I wanted to test out my skills to see what it was like to use a mixture of aqua and grase paints together.
This is my first go at using both together on a larger scale paint in which I think they have worked really well here without lifting the opposing product off the skin.Because of the texture of and elephants skin I wanted a grainy broken look to the paint rather than a smooth finish. Which I have achieve to a good degree (refrerring to the level of skill I had at the time, if I were to recreate this I would consider add texdture into the paint such as fullers earth to get an unplaced line/wrinkled/cracked texture I was aiming for.
This was drawn/painting with thin pointed brushes freehand. The proportions of the trunk could be better on th lower half and needed tohave more depth, I should have added some shadow on and around the legs to add a deeper perspective. But over all I am happ with this painting for my next anmal I am going to try and use the curves of he body to enhance the piece.
Here I was experimenting with using the shapes and curves of the body to improve the look of body painting desings.
Above is the image on the left is of the tiger when the knee is flat which it looks okay and resmbles a tiger but then looking at the tiger when the knee is bent (middle and right image) I think it adds some perspective to the painting and adds a layer of realism to its features. As I have said perviously knowing techniques that I do now I know I could produce a much better highlight and shadow contrast in this image but this shows my development fro my first body painting 'circus' to now.

Guido Daniele Inspired hand painting.
Here I have tried to create a frog using Guido Danieles' Handimals collection as insperation.
This is an awful paint, I used aqua colour but didn't mix it up thick enough so when applying it, it was too runy making it lift off the ski when others were lyered over the top. However besides this I think I have captured the idea of using the hand and the body/shape of the anima very welll. The buldge created around the thumb by clenching the fist replcated the shape of a frogs leg really well, overall I am really happy with how I found the shape of the animal through the hand, this is the next step on from only using singular parts as I have in my tiger.

What is britian?
Here I have created a mash up of typical british things, the focus behind this was to just eperiment with trying to paint various things, as al my paints so far have been about animlas or one singular thing which has then been repeately tried. I focused on buildings as to make the realistic you need to think about persective and proportions to make it passable.
The perspective of the fish and chips hut is completely wrong and has lost theimpact that we get from big ben. Compared together this isvery poor and the sign needs to be moved to the from of the buiding and the roof needs to be darker to cast a shadow over the front so it looks like the sun is out, it would also help with the prospective.
I am really happy with the big ben I have tried my best to work with shadow and highights to make it a, resemble the big ben and b, to look 3D and not flat against the skin. It seems very two toned in the picture I need to strengthe the mid tones next time I paint other wise they are lost in the flash of the camera which is loosing depth to the image.