Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
The Concept of Beauty - lecture.
Male and female faces have key differences that are obvious in most people, however these can differ in different cultural groups due to their ancestral roots, here I am looking at male and female faces in relation to beauty.
The Archetypal Mask.
Dr. Stephen Marquardt researched beauty for many years; as a result of surveys studying perceptions of facial beauty and analysising the face now and throughout history that beauty is related to phi.
From this he created his archetypal beauty mask which uses the pentagon and decagon throughout to form a scientific/mathmatical form of the perfect face. The idea of the mask is that it is the 'perfect' face and the better a face fits the mask the more beautiful that person is.
It was orginally created for a woman's face a lter he then developed it for a male. As a child we all look very similar it is only when we start to produce more estrgoen/testeosterone (puberty) our apperances, faces in particually take on the key characteristics of a male/ female face.
Historically speaking,
The males would be the ones who chose the mate which meant the females had to 'attract' the male, otherwise they would be unable to have children. Because of this need to be beautiful and attract others females can look at one another and find them attratcive with or without a sexual feeling towards them. Linking to Dr. Syephen Marquardt's mask that the face of a woman who fits it should be attractive to everyone as they are the ultimate beauty.
Here I am exploring what is beauty and is there a definate way in which beauty can be 'graded'. I am also comapring these ways of determing beauty with my own perception of beauty and challanging them to see if my views are right or wrong.
The Archetypal Mask.
The Male Mask.

Image 21.0 - The 'golden' mask

Image 21.1 - The frontal view

Image 21.2 - The lateral view
The key features on the male mask are:
* Prominent brow bones(supra-orbital frontal bossing) which makes the eyes appear deep set
* Flatter/narrow eyebrows
* Narrower eyes and less open (wide)
* Longer and wider nose
* Thinner lips
* Square/angled jaws

Image 21.3 - Pierce Brosnan
Here is Pierce Brosnan who fits the male mask near perfectly, the brows are slightly longer and downwards shaped than what the mask dicates it 'perfect'. As shown by aligning a face to the mask the features in a male have a harsh more dominate feel to them, almost intmidating to some (especially so in Tom Cruise's face as seen below)
Image 21.4 - Tom Cruise
The Female Mask.
The female face is a lot slimmer and less angular which gives it a more youthful and softer apperance which is why they are deemed the more beautiful sex, as demonstrated by the women in these images.

Image 21.5 - Contemporary beauty 01
Image 21.6 - Contemporary beauty 04

Image 21.7 - Female mask, front view
Image 21.8 - Female mask, Side view
The key features of the female mask:
* Cheek bones are more prominent
* Brows are thinner ans have an arch
* Fuller lips
* Smaller and slimmer nose
* Wider eyes.
I think beauty isn't something that can be determined by a mask or any rules it is something that it is dermined by your own personal taste. I do think the culture you are bought up in affects your perception of what is beautiful. There are common things that most people agree on what is beautiful such as flawless skin and their eyes, which is a base line to what people compare beauty to. I believe beauty is a combination of aesthetics and your personality as you do not find some people attractive when you initally meet them but once you get to know them they suddenly become attractive.
My opinion.