Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
As I am looking at what is our identity, I have explored gender as this applies a preconception to how people identify us. So looking at the different genders it will allow me to understand how it impacts us as individuals or on mass.
It's impact on identity.
What is Agender?
Agender is how people who feel they do not fit into what soicety dictates is each gender nor that they feel they have a gender, because of this they like to be reffered to as 'they' rather than 'him' or 'her'.
Key points:
* Gender nullification surgery is something that is almost only used by agender people because they feel they want a body that lacks or has no sexual characteristics therefore they cannot be identified as one gender or another.
* Many people confuse this with being asexual - this is irrelevant as gender identity and sexual identity are sperate things, somehting that is very often forgot which is why many associate agender with asexual.
The law and Agender.
The first person in britian to be offically classed as genderless was Norrie May-Welby in 2010. he was born a male but felt he was in the worng body so orignally he had a sex change to become a woman. This still didn't make him feel complete and happy in himself which is when he took steps to become agender.
in terms of the law he is now classed as having no gender, this has even lead to the birth certificates being changed to include a 'non-gender' classification.
Identity preconceptions assosiated with Agender.
As you can see this individual has challenged perceptions not only of individuals but those of the law and in a reaction medical documentation has adapted to include agender people.
It is commonly expressed by agender people feel that concepts of being a man or woman do not feel/fit me so therefore it is the solution to not have a geder identification.
This to me speaks volume to me on how identity is perceieved. the fact these individuals so not feel they fit into certain genders and do not want to be identified as them, tells me the pressures of society to make us choose to which one we fit into and leaving us there. If we do not fit into these catagories then we don't know how to behave and act, but as a culture we have grow massivly over the past 10 years and it is becoming more acceptable to be who you feel is right without society labbeling you a 'freak'.
What is Transgender?
Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. (Castro, 2013)
* Someone who was born female or male but later feels that this 'label' doesn't reflect who they feel they are inside.
* They may live their life as a man or woman.
* They feel they are inbetween male and female, not completely one nor the other.
* A transgender identity is not dependent upon medical procedures.
This video explains gender in basic concepts and the links to sexual orientation and identity. It has been a great help to inform me and challange my own personal view of how I percieve different genders. It has 3 people share their own personal experiences with these issues and overcoming them. Which is important to understand as it helps you to understand transgenders.
Image 20.1- Transgender, Alexis Arquette
She ,who was born Robert Arquette, has appeared in Pulp Fiction, Threesome, The Wedding Singer, Roseanne, Friends and Californication.
Image 20.0 - Gender Roles focusing on transgender

Image 20.2 – Transgender, Laverne Cox
She is best known for playing Sophia Burset in Orange Is The New Black.

Image 20.3 - Sasha Fleishman, an agender teenager.
Female Vs Male.

Image 20.3 – Male face vs the female face
Here you can see the different ways in which the female and male looks grow and the differences between them, along the bottom it shows that ageing process within these faces age, using the androgyness face as it is the most neutral.
Male and female characteristics have been discussed in the concept of beauty tab and compared with the golden mask.
This is one of the key points of identification As you can see the skin tones range from white to brow depending on where they come from. The colour of our skin is what people have preconceptions against, as I am looking at perceptions of identity it is important for me to understand the range and diversitys of races around the world. When creating makeup this is somthing I will need to consider when removing identity.

Image 20.4 - Different races
Image 20.5 - changing race makeup
This is an example of how to change races with make-up I find it really intresting how you can make such a drastic chnage and challange people perceptions of the same person but in two differenct races. When watching it its weird how you feel differently and change there identity once they have changed race. This could be something I may try out to see how people react towards me chnaged.