Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Concept 3 - Representing the mind.
Body Painting.

Colour Psychology.
Here I have used my research on colour psychology and used it in my body painting. The colours I have chosen represent parts of the mind:
Yellow: mind/interlect
Purple: Immagination
Orange: social communicaion
White: pure/perfection
Black: Secretive
Blue: trust
I was quiet happy with the outcome, I think choosing colour sthat represent emotions or actions linking to our mind worked really well. Next time with regards to colours instead of using a block colour as the base I hope to use a multitude of colours blended together.
I know techniqually it isn't the best however the variety in size of the lines & brushes I used to create them worked really well expressing the connections in our brains. this was really hard to wrap my head around as it was my first attempt at working in an abstract mannor, So you can see there are some regular/repeated themes. Such as using white as a highlight against other colours and the blue is always in a 3 shape.
Next time I feel I will be able to let loose a little more and prodcue a better piece which incorporates different shapes and more advanced techniques that I learnt from Carolyn Cowen (via her website).

Adding texture.
As the painting looked really flat I added texture to try and lift parts up away from the body. Visually I think this worked really well. I used fullers earth in its organic state and one with grease paint mixed into it, however the blue I used when it dried the colour pay off wasn't great it lost its intensity, as seen below.

I also experimented with applyin gthe grease paint over the top but as you can see from the orange images applying grease paint over the top pulled the fuller's earth off the skin. So colouring prior to adding it to the skin works better for clock colours but when adding in the colour to start with maybe a 50:50 ratio will bring out a better colour intensity.

This is the three mixtures of fullers earth after 45 mintues. As you can see the oil and golden syrup ones have not dried but still remain very shiny. The sald one has started to dry out and crack.
Fullers earth and olive oil.
As you can see it has a very shiny texture when first applied.
Golden syrup and Fullers earth.
This has a shine to it aswell. but when applied to the skin is runs alot more than the other products.
Salt and Fullers Earth.
This applied the same and normal fullers earth and water mix, however the texture is slightly different due to th elittle bumps casue by the salt granuals.
After 1 hour 30 mins.
This has dried as youcan see where it has run but it isn't completely as the moisture from the oil has kept the shiny and wet texture. I do not think this will ever dry out as it is still as tacky as when first applied.
After 1 hour 30 mins.
As in the oil, It has ran alot but it has dried to a certain extent. It has lost most of the thickeness from when first applied,however it still has a shine to it.
After 1 hour 30 mins.
This has cracked a lot more than the 45 mintue mark, I thought the salt would speed up the process of drying due to it drawing moisture out of things however it has not spead up the process, however it has makde the cracking more even throught the fullers earth.