Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Films linked to Identity.

Above is my intial thoughts on what identity is and/or what contributes to it.
Identity is something that is built up of many parts such as:
* Gender
* Ethnicity
* Behaviour
* Apperance (stereotypes are the most commmonly assosiated with identity)
* Our bodies; DNA, finger prints, blood, etc.
What happens when we remove each part of what bulids up our identity? Do people still recognise us? -
These are questions that I am hoping to explore through my research which will then inform my make-up experimentation.
What is our Identity?

Identity inspired art.
Image 23.0 - Identity art
I realy like this fingerprints that have been turned into art using their own words. The use of colours and writing says alot about the individual. Such as the more colourful ones surgest their personality is very loud and in your face whereas the black and white indicates amore organise controlled personality. This is a intresting concept of taking something assossiated with identity and imputting your own into it.

Image 23.2 – Annie Terrazzo, example 2
Image 23.1- Annie Terrazzo, example 1
Image 23.4 - Annie Terrazzo, example 4
Image 23.3 - Annie Terrazzo, example 3
Annie Terrazzo is an artist that makes her art from trash, this is because when she was living on the street she had no money to buy proper materials so used what other threw out. I think this style of art says alot about identity especially as she has layered different newspapers about others then, in most of her work, produced portraits over the top.
To me this shows how we are all linked how each of us help mould and shape one anothers identities even if we don't realise it. The way she has formed this art is really clever and this textural layering is inspring as it take the portaits look into more depth.

Here we have proffessionals views on body modification as a whole and as individual procedures.
Dr. Jon Perlman,a prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who has been practicing for 25 years and has turned down requests for procedures he found disturbing, says that the tongue "is a very functional part of the human body affecting speech and eating. I think anyone who wants this should undergo psychological evaluation to explain such a strong drive to stand-out from the norm, and I consider myself a fairly open minded individual." (CBS News, 2015)