Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Colour Psychology.
Here I have looked into colours and the meanings behind them I am also asking people to look at colours as see what they associate with them to give me a clear undertsanding for my experimentation. I want to use colours in my body painting that represent the mind or thse that are assosiated with it. This could also be used in my beauty looks to prove certain reactions.
The psychology behind colour.
It is not a static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual - it all depends on what energy they are expressing at that point in time. (Empowered By Color, 2015).
Being a non-verbal type of communication colours can tell you alot about people. For example wearing blue one day may surgest you are calm and relaxed whereas wearing red lipstick another day may be you stating to the world you are feeling passionate that day. We judge each other partly on the colours we choose to wear/decorate our houses and other aspects of our life.
Here are the stapple colours and their meanings:
This is represents; energy, passion (and sexual passion), action, ambition and determination.The negative assosiation with it is anger.
This represents; social communication and optimism. Negativly is is assosiated with pessimism and superficiality.
This is assosiated with the mind, interlect, optermistic and cheerfulness. Negativly it is assosiated with impatience, criticism and cowardice.
It represents balance and growth and self-reliance. In contrast though it can also mean possessiveness in a negative way.
This is representing trust, peace, loyalty and integrity. Negatively it stands for frigidity.
Representing unconditional love and nurturing. It also stands for immature, silly and girlish. This can be seen as good or bad attributes depeding on your personal view.
Here are some other key colours with distinct meanings:
This represents communication and clarity of mind. It can also be impractical and idealistic.Once again your own take depends on if this is bad or good.
This represents universal harmony and emotional balance, both spiritual and practical.
Assositaed with common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Overall a very positive colour.
It represents intuition. It is also assosiated with idealism, structure, ritualistic and addictive. Over all this has a wde range of meaning.
This represents imagination. Also it can mean creative, individual, immature, impractical.
Represnts friendly but serious. It relates to security, protection, comfort and material wealth.
This represents compromise. It is assosiated with being unemotional and detached and can be indecisive.
This represents the hidden, secretive and the unknown. It is assosiated with hiding thing from the world.
This represents being most complete, pure, and perfection. It is also assosiated with purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
Represents success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, sophistication, value and elegance, wealth and extravagance. As you can see this has alot of positive assosaions attacted to it.
Is is assosiated with feminine energy. Represents fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious senses.
Cultural Meanings on colour.
Above I have explored a range of colours looking at their meanings, both positive and negative to influence my colour choice within my work, however now I am goin to take it one step further and look at how cultures interprate colours. Especailly in marketing industries it is key not to offend others which can easily be done through their interpratation of the colours used.

Image 17.0 - Cultral meanings of colours