Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Image 15.0 - Bollywood look inspired by the 2002 bollywood film Devdas.
Raja Harishchandra was the first silent bollywood film to be screened in 1913. It was 40 minutes long and filmed in black and white. Few female charcters were in the film and those that were, were played by men.
The golden age of bollywood is classed to be between the 50s to the early 70s.
Cine Costume And Make-Up Artistes Association (CCMAA) union in 1955 passed a rule that women makeup arists could not work on bolywood films set as they believed they would not makeup the female actress' look their best due to jealousy.
One of bollywood'ss biggest film hits is Pakeezah (1972) which took 14 years to film.
The biggest, one of the most expensive and successful bollywood films of all time is Devdas (2002).
A brief history.
Bollywood Makeup devlopment in films.
Image 15.3 - Sholay, 1975, Young lady

Image 15.1 - Awaara, 1951
Awaara, 1951.
Key makeup points:
* Beautifully smooth complextion, not blemishes.
* Defined brows, quiet flat with a slight arch.
* Not a strong lip colour, looks very natural.
* Liner is the focus of the eyes.
* Deep side parting, in line with the arch in the brow.
* Hair is up and away from the face still with some body in it.
* Does not ditract from the make-up with is the focus, it works to compliment and finsih off the look.

Image 15.2 - Awaara, close up

Image 15.4 - Sholay, older lady
Sholay, 1975.
Key Makeup points:
* Flat rounded brows, in the older lady the definition is softer and less bold than the younger
* The colour choice and placement is stonger on th eyounger female, and more natural on the elder one.
* Both have flawless smooth skin, Dewy looking in certain places such as the chin, cheeks and nose.
* Stronger colour choice and lip shape on th eyounger lady and once again a softer look for the older woman.
* A softer curled framed face (elder lady)
* No ordornment in her hair, very simple and basic apperance (elder lady)
* Strong structured curls coming forward onto her face. (younger lady)
* Hair in general is more down and forward as demonstrated in the generation gap.
* The young lady's ahir is very bold and eye catching, includes alot of bright accessories.

Image 15.5 - Nayagan (1987)
Nayagan, 1987.
Key Makeup Points:
* Lips are very natural both in shape and colour
* Skin doesn't look as perfect and flawless as in other films
* Brows/eyes are still the focus
* Brows have a more gradual arch rather than a angluar
* Liner is the key product used on th eyes but this is a very soft look compared to the others.
* This is the most simplest of styles and a more lower class style
* Hair is once again up and away from the face and used to enhance the makeup.
Here are key films from bollywood culture through out the years I have annotated the make-up and hair to see if there are any patterns or major chances as the films progress and change from black and white into colour.
The key features of a bollywood makeup and the defined brows, Strong eyeliner look and the flawless skin. These points have been the consistant points through out this 40 year span.
Creating a bollywood makeup.
Now I have looked at how you can bring the bollywood look into modern day makeup, the tutorial below i have picked as they explain in detail about the process and products used and why they are good to create an effecitve bollywood inspired look. It has also used one of the most famous bollywood movies of recent years for inspiration so has a direct influence from the culture itself.
I will use this as a influence when producing my own interpritation of a moder day bollywood makeup, seen on the following tab.