Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Abstract Art.
What is abstract art?
This is art that does not depict people, places or recognisable objects. I t is about the colours, shapes, size, brush strokes, th eprocees in which the piece has been made.
Image 22.0 - example 1
Picture with Circle, 1911 by Wassily Kndiny. The colours were used to provoke certain emoitions in this piece.
My opinion.
I really like the organic feel to this painting, how yo can see the brush strokes and the lack of perfectly beldned colours throughout. I am not a fan of the washed out non intesne colours however this is personal taste to me it looks sad and dreary.
I am going to use the block non blended style for inspration for one of my body painting to see if I can achieve the same look on skin.

Concept 3.

Image 22.1 - example 2
My opinion.
I like that this piece is more structured that the previous one, this is more my style of working it has added perspective and depth to the painting which I really like. The colours are a lot more vibrant and it has both blended and not blended colour whicih works because of the random sqaures.

Image 22.2 - example 3
My opinion.
This is completely different texture wise to the two above it looks like sponges or other products have been used to push colour onto the canvas which created a more random and expressive appearance.
This has inspired me to explore alternate ways of applying colour to the body and using differnt methods i.e. stippling, wiping, flicking.

Image 22.3 - example 4
My opinion.
I do not like this piece the heavy scrathed texture is not something I like it makes me feel like the piece is unhappy and makes me want to look away. I do however like the use of larger blank spaces it breaks up the blocks of colours.

Image 22.4 - example 5
My opinion.
This, in my opinion, is the most bare looking piece I have looked at, the use of lines in both the background and foreground work well against each other. I like the effect of that it could be two pieces of art merged together.
I want to use this isead of two distinct layers in my body painting for a more layer effect showing the loose side of abstract art and the controlled shapes i.e. lines as used above.

Image 22.5 - example 6
My opinion.
Compared to th eothers this seems alot more throught through in terms of placement of colours and it has a very symettrical look even though it isn't. This is a very vibrant in your face piece which is using a selection of secondary colours whereas all the others are using the more traditional primary colours.