Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Concept 1 - Removing Identity.
Bald cap & colour experimentation.

Cap plastic bald cap.
I was really pleased with this bald cap, the edges (for the majority) blended so well into the skin. The issue I had was the sir trapped around the hair line I had not pulled it tight enough when tacing the back so once glued the hairline wasn't 100% flat which is whatlet this down.
I have chosen to have one ear out and the other covered to compare which one (when looking at it) take away more identity. I am going with the cover ears as the look is so bare the open ear stand out too much.

Layering Skin colour with the airbrush.
Techniques: wax to remove eyebrows, Cap plastic bald cap, airbrushing.
Using the airbrush worked really well for blending the skin into the head, however this light application ehanced the air pocket around the hairline. The colour match is a lot better than last time, it has lostthe orangy tone. I think this was down to me building colour layers rather than mixing my colour (backbubbling).
The only downside to this method was that it took alot of product and time to build it up. This would be perfect for a TV of Film context, where a light texture is required.

Colouring with white grease paint.
This was much quicker to apply than airbrushing however it doesn't have such a natural finish to it looks painted on and over the bald cap it doens't have the same thick coverage, maybe I need to apply this is layers and swap my brush for a sponge for a more even smooth coverage.
However I need to improve on my application around the eye as here it has emphasised the light lines under the eye. I also am going to try a different method of blockingout the brows as the wax doesn't get flat enough for my desired look.

Comparing the two colours the white to be removes identity more than the light skin tone, as race contributes to our identity, so by removing this I am taking away any traces of individuality. For the same reason I like the bald cap covering the ear. If I were to do this again I need to remove the piecerings to get the complete removal of identity.