Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Minor Changes.

Image 5.0 - Forked tongue example.
Forked Tongues.
What is a forked tongue?
* This is where the tounge is cut in half, this can be done by a laser, to create two pieces resembling those of a lizard.
General Information.
* It is also known as tounge bifurication.
* It is reversable however reversing it is a more painful process than having it forked in the first place.
* Forked tongues are similar looking to reptiles especially a snakes.
* The first person to do this procedure was Dustin Allor.

Image 5.1 - Forked tongue upclose
Image 5.2 - Tongue being cut
Image 5.3 - Post procedure
Image 5.4 - Healed forked tongue.
The process.
There are 3 methods in which you can part your tongue into two.
Method 1-
the tie-off method, which involved threading fishing line through her tongue piercing, tying it tightly at the front of her tongue, removing it when it loosened up after cutting through a bit of tissue, inserting a new strand, tying it tightly, and repeating the process regularly until she’d completely split her tongue. The line actually cuts into the tongue from the front back, from the piercing forward, and along the top and bottom as it’s tightened. This is really the only safe method for self-performed tongue bifurcation, and it tends to result in an easier adjustment to speaking and eating with a split tongue. (Painful pleasures, 2014)
Method 2 -
To bifurcate a tongue using the cauterization method, a surgeon will thoroughly numb the tongue and then divide it in half from the tip back using either an argon laser or a cauterization tool like a cautery pen or heated blade to burn through the tongue. (Painful pleasures, 2014)
Method 3-
A scalpel is used to cut through the center of the tongue with this method. Bifurcating the tongue with a scalpel causes intense bleeding.(Painful pleasures, 2014)
The Church of Body Modification (CoBM) believe that tongue splitting should be chosen to be donw with a higher purpose in mind—in, that it will bring them closer to God or the Universal Soul. But also allowing them to be more in touch with themselves.
Is it a worthy body modification?
What are Saline injections?
It is a solution of water and salt that is injected into the body causing enlargement in that area.
What are they used for?
*acne Scar treatment
*Spider vein treatment
*body modifications - such as breast/penis enlargment
Is it permenant?
No, this method of modifying the body id usually tempoary as the water will be absorbed by the body after time.
Why do people use them?
Most people have this done for either sexual enhancement reasons or for asthetical reasons.
Do they come in other forms?
Yes, it is used for contact solution and can be bought from the parmacy in nasal sprays.
Why it incresing in popularity in the body modification section?
Breast enlargments are among the most popular and the motivation behind mos of these procedures are down to sexual stimulation. This is not just for women men have had it injected into their scrotum/testicles for enhanced sexual stimulation.
The concern with this procedure is infection as a lot of people like to do it at home rather than go to a professional.
"Injecting yourself with saline would have a temporary effect," Dr. Perlman says...
But is the practice dangerous? Yes, if the saline is contaminated or if it were accidentally
injected into a blood vessel. "You could severely damage skin and tissue," (CBS News, 2015)
This method can be a cheaper alternative to longterm and expensive methods such as implants and other surgerys. However it may turn to be more expensive over time as to get effictive result for reducing acne scarring you would need to have the procedure a few times.
Image 7.1 - Saline being inserted.
Image 7.0 - Saline injections in the face.
In 2012 there was a new use for saline injections hitting the underground body modiciation culture, especially in Japan, Bagel faces.
*It is where the saline was injected and when swollen they pushed a dent in the middle to create a bagel like shape.
* It lasts between 16-24 hours.
Begal Faces.
Saline Injections.
Temporary Modification.
Image 7.2 - End result.