Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Apperance Changes in Films.

Male Transformation.
As the auidence watching Jack transform from poor to rich you feel like you respect him more as the poorer man as he enjoys life and is a happy person. The shift when he changes to rich is unbelievable you start to feel differently about him, you start to idenitfy with him as those stuck up charcters around him just by his apperance it is not until he ehaves differently we are reminded who he actually is.
The actual look hasn't been chnaged drastically it is only key features such as the hair and costume that give his transformation the visually differences.
This is one of my favourite transformations as we feel sorry for him but a bit of unpleasentness as a the male because he has been kicked out because of his actions towards the family and made to be the bad guy. But when he appears as the grandma you forget that he is a male you have a softer warming feeling towards him, you identigy him as you would your own grandma and this in our memory tempoarily erases his mistakes.
This is one of the biggest transformations I have looked out as not only does he change gender but also age. There has been alot of prosthetic work that have gone into this to complete the look. Alongside wig work and costume which completes the grandma appearance, if one of these parts didn't fit with another this would not have been pulled off as brilliantly as it was.
Image 19.2 - White chicks
This transformation is for comedic value which as the audience you identify with brilliantly. Not only do they change gender and ethnicity they also have to pull it off in a funny way but not rediculous. This works really well as when you see them in the two different charcters you identify with them completely differently, inforcing our own preconceptions of each race onto the charcters, rightly or wrongly whch is shown through the actions of these charcters.
As in Mrs Doubtfire this was a big transformation using prosthetics, wigs and costume to portray each individual.

Image 19.3 - Sandy From Grease
This is the shortest amount of time spent in the transformated charcter as it happends in the last 5 minutes of the film. Sandy is a sweetinnoccent girl who nobody would have thought to look twice at walking down the street. However when transformed into a 'hottie' everyones opinion of her changed, she took on a different identity to get the boy. i don't agree you should change for another but in makeup terms this was a great change.
No prosthetics nor extreme alterations were made, they simply changed the colour choices in the products they were using such as nude to red lipstick. Which has a massive impact on how we percive her.
This is a typical example of how the geek turns into the beauty. Mia is invisable to everyone untill she transforms after finding out about being a princess. From this point on everyone treats her differently and wants to know her, it says alot about how your position and apperance plays alot in how people see you.
Here they have used stereotypical looks to show the transformation between the two characters which has been very effective.
This is a key movie where the audeinces perception of her identity completely changes, at the start you have quiet a negative reaction towardsher as she is rude and dirty. But when she changes you think of her in a more respectful light wanting to be assosiated with her, wnating her to do well in her life.
For a poor woman at the start she still looks very beautiful, you know that she is poor by her clothing and lack of make-up then when she improves they literally switch to lots of makeup and better clothing. This is one of the easiest ways to change someones identity drastically without much effort or long term effects.
Female Transformations.
For my second concept I am looking athow our appearance affects our identity, if at all. i have used example from films where a character starts off from one walk of live and crosses over to another for a period of time. Many of these link in with my stereotypes research such as sandy from grease going from a shy/innocent almost 'nerdy' looking to a cool 'popular' looking. I have written about what was involved in the tranformation and it's affect on the audience.
Concept 2.