Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Apperances affect on identity.
Here I have transformed Liv into 3 typical stereotypical groups in high school, inspired by mean girls, the goths, populars and the nerds. I am looking at the relationship between her own identity and the perceptions assosiated with these stereotypical looks affect her identity. I want to know if drastically changing her looks will make people think of her differently and behave different ways towards her.

The 'popluars' look
The 'geek' look
The 'goth' look
These are what 3 people have said about these images, the text below has not been edited from there own words.
Hannah's perception of Liv in each look, just from her appearance:
Popluar - This makes me percieve Livv in a different way as I feel she looks more sweet and approachable than the others.
Geek - This makes me feel sorry for Livv and makes me empathise with her character.
Goth - This makes me feel Livv is less approachable and makes me more wary of her.
Charlotte's perception of Liv in each look, just from her appearance:
Popular - Ditzy and a bit stupid, I couldnt take her seriously.
Geek - Innocent and virginal, maybe less confident than the others.
Goth - Bad bitch, having said that maybe she has a few insecurities hidden behind her image.
Emily's perception of Liv in each look, just from her appearance:
Popular - she looks pretty and polished, takes care with her appearance
Geek - nerdy and unnatractive. Looks like she doesn't have much confidence and is probably teased at school
Goth - looks really punky and rebellious. Probably listens to a lot of heavy metal and other rock music.
It is really intresting that she has evoked different feeling form each indivdual but they all run around the same themes, this goes to show that our appearnce does affect how other identify with us. And how if we want to provoke certain emotions then we should present ourselves in different ways.
The 'popluar' look.

The skin is well matched and a good even coverage. My eyeliner is alot smoother and even on this look which is something I struggle with so I am please to be improving. The cheek colour could have been a little stronger and the brow definition isn't as strong as it should have been. The hair really completes this look giving it the 'popular' image I was creating.
The 'Geek' look.

I am really pleased with the spots as they look realistic I could have used a little less redness as it looks orangey under the white light. For th errun down tradition 'geek' look I didn't apply any foundation or concealer as I wanted the skin to not look smooth and flawless I wanted the natural redness and tone to come through which combine with the spots achieves this look well. The hair I chose is a typical style assosiated with geeks as this makes her look younger and innoccent, those characteristic assosiated with this look.
The 'Goth' look.
Look one.
Here I created a softer goth look with heavy dark eyes and lips. Keeping the brows and hair a natural organic look made her appear gothic but not with a harsh agressive edge.
Look 2.
I then darken the brows which instanstly changed the feeling you got when looking at her. The low scruffy buns makes th eimpact of the makeup stronger due to it pulling it into focus. This is more intimidating than the first look.