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Corset Piercings.

Image 6.0 - Corset piercing example.

What is a corset piercing?


It is where piecerings are created in vertical lines so that ribbion can be threaded through to appear as a corset. This links to the actual corset wearing body modification to alter the natural shape of your body.


Is there pleasure in pain?


Tightening the ribbons stimulates the sensitive skin around the ribcage, Traci Joy Burleigh, a professional piercer, tells CBS News. "Most people would say yes, there is an erotic component to corset piercings," she says. (CBS News, 2015)

Image 6.1 - Close up corset example

What is is?

This is the act of suspending the human body by temporary piercings made just before the suspension. The body is then raised either partially or completely from the ground by fishing hooks specially modified for this.


What is to be gained by suspending your body?

Suspensions are sometimes used for meditation supposedly by doing this you gain a higher level of spiritual fulfillment or awareness. It is also used as entertainment/performance art.

Image 6.2 - Piercings before suspenstion

Image 6.3 - Upclose Suspention

Image 6.4 - Multiple suspention piercings

Image 6.5 - 2 Person suspention 

Image 6.6 - Knee suspention

The father of the modern rebirth of piercing was Doug Malloy, an eccentric millionaire. In the early seventies he brought a lot of us together, and encouraged us. Originally there were anout seven people in the U.S. who had piercings. (Juno and Vale, 1989, p 24)


He was very partial to piercings and other erotic natured things.Then he bought these like minded people together, this was the birth of tattooing and piercing parties and started the widergrowrh of piercing when he backed a fellow piercer Jim ward who set up a shop in the back of his house.


Image 6.7 - Erotic piercings (1)

Image 6.8 - Erotic piercings (2)

General Piercings.

Types of Piercings

Oral Piercings

Facial Piercings

Gental Piercings.

Lip Piercings

Surface Piercings.

Frowny Piercing - Image 6.10

Smiley Piercing -

Image 6.9

Tongue Piercing - Image 6.11

Tongue Venom Piercing - Image 6.12

Tongue Web Piercing - Image 6.13

Anti-Eyebrow Piercing - Image 6.14

Image 6.15 - Cheek Piercing

Image 6.17 – Eyebrow Piercing

Image 6.18 – Nose Piercing

Image 6.19 – Septum Piercing

Image 6.16 – Earl Piercing


Body Suspention.

Image 6.20 – Labret Piercing

Image 6.21 - Madonna Piercing

Image 6.22 - Medusa Piercing

Image 6.23 - Side Lip Piercing

Image 6.24 - Snake Bites Piercing

Image 6.25 - Spider Bites Piercing

Image 6.26 - Belly Button Piercing

Image 6.27 - Inverse Navel Piercing

Image 6.28 - Nape Piercing

Image 6.29 - Nipple Piercing

Image 6.30 - Surface Piercing

Ear Piercings

Image 6.31 – Ear Piercing

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