Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Brain Research.

Real Brains.
Here i have a collection of real image brains to help me to create a realistic looking brain for concept 1. Things I have noticed from these images:
* The brains has a slimy film coating it/look
* The texture looks like a long tube turned arounf on itself, not all creases are the same depth their is variations.
* The blood vessels/reddness runs through the grooves only.
Image 16.0 - Real brain side view.
Image 16.2 - Top of the brain
Image 16.1 - Underside of a real brain

Image 16.3 - Cut in half brain
Structure of the brain.
There are 4 structures that make up the brain; the cerebrum, cerebellum, the limbic system and the brain stem.

* The cerebrum is made up of four lobes, as described by the diagram to the left.
* It is the largest structure in the brain and it is also known as the cortex.
* It's function is for thought and action.
Here are the function of the indivudal lobes:
Frontal Lobe- reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
Parietal Lobe- movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli
Occipital Lobe- visual processing
Temporal Lobe- perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Image 16.4 - Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex.
It's Apperance.
The surface of the brain is not smooth but wrinkled this increases the surface area of the brain increasing the amount of neurons aswell. A neuron is a nerve cell and it the basis of the nervous system.
If you look at the brain from the top, as in image 16.2 you will notice a deep groove down the center that splits the brain into two halfs. These are known as hemispheres. The left is assosiated with logic and the right with creativity.
The Cerebrum (cortex).
The Cerebellum.
* The cerebellum is also reffered to as the "little brain"
* Similarties to the cerebrum - it has two hemispheres and a folded surface.
* It's function is regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.
* The cerebellum is assumed to be much older than the cerebrum, evolutionarily. What do I mean by this? In other words, animals which scientists assume to have evolved prior to humans, for example reptiles, do have developed cerebellums. (Serendip studio, 2015)
Limbic System.
* This is referred to as the "emotional brain"
* It is found within the cerebrum, as seen in the diagran to the right.

Image 16.5 - In side the brain
Brain Stem.
* the brain stem is underneath the limbic system.
* It is responsible fo life functions (breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure).
* It is formed up of the midbrain, pons, and medulla (as seen in the diagram above.
Artists interpratation of the brain.
As I am looking at the minds connection with identity I am have found artists interpritations of the brain in their artwork for inspiration, I hope to create a very abstract and vibrant piece. Working in a abstract manor is something I am not used to some of these images are very intresting to look at.

The texture of this is very similar to hair/feathers, which I think represents the fragility of the brain. I like how the depth chnages the closer to the spnal cord you get. This is very simple but really effecitve with th ered comming through the brown in small doses.
Image 16.6 - Art piece by Etienne Saint-Amant
Image 16.7 – Sara Ambrosino & Emmanuela Ambrosino art piece
I really like the use of colours and lines used in this piece, however I do not like the scratchy edge of the brain, to me this doesn't look right. The idea of all the people working together show the connections of the brains and how it is the vital part in communication which I really like especially through the use of lines.
Image 16.8 - Sebastien Dery art work
This is a piece I am not keen on as I think it is a very literal representation of the brain as I am going to represent through more abstract inspired work. I also do not like the lack of colour used, to me this is a major part of communication to the audience.