Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Concept 1 - Removing Identity.

Prit Stick - Blocking out the brows.
This method was so wuick and easy to apply with a good result. The hairs were flat and smooth to the skin, and when product was applied over the top it didn't appear clumpy nor peel off the product. You can see this in the images below.
Improving the white colouring.
I loved the out come of this mix of supra colour ans mac foundation, I used NC15 an dthe lightest in the palletat a ratio of 1:1. It still was heavy when first applied however instead of applying this all over like I did previously with the pure white I applied it in the centre of the face and buffed it outwards which gives it the light coverage look/feel. Something that I needed to improve on after the heavy application last time.
This was really successfull and I would use this technique for both Tv and Fil as you could have the camera close up but stil unable to see the brush strokes (as before).
The thing that lets down this is the brow some of the shadow is coming through, I need to look at which tones work better when blocking out a brow - orange or pink?
On reflection i have decided to try out using a different colour, such as blue as looking through my reserach using white still refeclts the cauasian ethnicity so to totally remove all aspects of identity I am going to try colouring the skin a non flesh tone colour.

Changing the colour of removing identity.
I decided to use a neautral colour rather than white for this look as I felt it didnt rule out the race contribution of identity. I also when choosing a colour didn't want to choice a colour generally assosiated with one specific gender, hence the orange.
Comapred to the white colouring used perviously I do not see hannah as a girl with not ears and the orange tone I do not visually recognise her as a girl. The colour has taken away her natural definition of her facial bone structure. However her jaw is probably slightly more femanine then the other features which give it away that she is a girl but over all I am really happy with.
Tha bald cap edge is seamless the whole way round until the slight cerase abover her left eye. But overall I am really happy with it as it is my best bald cap to date.

Variation of concept 1.
Here instead of representing the mind through a sculpted version of the brain to photoshop onto the head and have the face made up of a simple make-up to represent aesthetics. Here I used a latex bald cap which was not a seamless as those produced with baldcap plastic so would only be suitable for theatre. The makeup worked well as representing aesthetics as it wasn't too over powering it worked in balance with the blocked out mind.