Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
Body Painting.
Types of paints.
Water Based.
- These are also known as aqua paints.
- These paints are widely used and easy to buy.
- They are activated with water.
- To work with them you want them to be the consistancy of mayonaise otherwise the colour may dry patchy.
Product examples:
Aqua Colors from Kryolan
Grease Based.
- You do not need to activate these with anything, useable straight from the pot.
- Need to be powdered to set the paint.
- Easily transferable onto clothes/skin/surfaces before powdered and will stain.
Product examples:
Supra color from Kryolan.
Carolyn Cowen reccommends using flat square brushes when body painting as they apply a even shape of colour compared to a rounded brush which doesn't therefore if using over a larger area taking longer to cover it and not producing a lovely straight edge/line. Obviously you would need a range of sizes to forefill any requiredments of a task.
If planning to do alot of body painting and with water based paints especially if it advised to buy a cheap set of artist brushes as the repeated used of this porduct on your makeup brushes will decrease the quality overtime more rapidly, therefore when they need replacing then you don't have a massive cost. The brushes above I bought from the works for £5 and the bristles are suitable for using dirctly onto the skin.
Guido Daniele.
Guido Daniele is most recognised for his series of handimals. These are where single or groups of hands have been painted to replicated an animal. From this he has also produced some scenes using the same princleaple as seen below.

Image 1.0 - Bald Eagle
Image 1.1 - Bald Eagle on brown

Image 1.2 - Chameleon
Image 1.3 - Cobra

Image 1.4 - Elephant
Image 1.5 - Paradise Fish
Here are examples of his bodypainting work had been used within advertising, used by many companies across the world. Even though body painting is a very specialised skill and we don't often think of it when we explore the indusrty and the jobs available but it does have a small demand which is mostly used in advertising.

Guido Daniele's work in Advertising.
Image 1.6 - Advert for foot cream in Russia

Image 1.7 - Advert for a Watch company
Image 1.8 - Advert for a Watch company

Image 1.9 - Advert for AT& T phone network
Image 1.10 - Advert for AT& T phone network
The adverts created for the AT&T phone network used hand painting to its' fullist potentional, iconic pieces of architecture and landmarks from around thw world were created to include the phone as part of their structure to symoblise that no matter where you are AT&T will always be there. It gives the impression of reliability and strength to the brand in a clever way which is why out of his advertising work this is my favourite piece.
This is a combination of bodypainting with balloons sculpted to enhance/change the shape of the body to tranform someones appearance. Paintloon is the creative work of Bella Volen and Guido Verhoef combined intially but is now owned by Bella Volen, all the pieces below are her work.

Image 1.11 - Visual Prayer

Image 1.12 - Avaloka , music and dance performance

Image 1.13 - Exhibition Piece
Comparing different bodypainting artists..
I really like the outcome of using balloons as costume/part of the body paint, it creates an extra layer and depth to the piece making it more visually appealing to look at as well as a different texture which is noticable again the skin texture. I also find more each time I look mkaing it a never ending piece of exciting art/bodypaining. I will experiment with applying paint to balloons to see how this techniques works and what affects the outcome, if anything, plus it will be exciting to try something new I haven't heard of before.
I can see that Bella Volen uses shapes for a more abstract and pattened effects rather than to recreate realistic replicas like Guido Daniele has done. However when I study her work I feel just as impressed and intregigued to find more out about her techniques, work and the themes behind her creations as when I first saw Daniele's work.
