Kate Garrett
Make-up Exploration
High End Fashion Editorial.

With Jenny Dayton.
I liked the white against the her skin tone it was very strong but not in a harsh overpowering way in which you didnt take in any other of the makeup.
On the face I wanted the focus to be on her eyes, i felt the lips were too close to the pattern to be the focu as it would feel like it is too squished. The blue colours worked really well against the white just enhanchng her glowing skin. Once again ( as I discussed in my bollywood makeup) I need to work on my symmerty of liner. It has improve on here from then so I am improving.
Her face is a little warmer in colour than her neck/chest when I do this again I need to colour the whole area I am using and not just the face as is doesn't look nice.
Over all I like the concept however I don't think it is very editorial appropriate so because it needs to fix this context i am going to change this look.

Devloped design.
I am really pleased with this look as a whole the hair combine with the colour pallet I have used has a sophisticated yet edgy look.
I am pleased with the placement of my pattern design however once again my liner skills are shakey and unsymmetrical. The left looks a more natural alignment than the right. Looking at it now I could have added some dimention to it as it is supposed to look similar to a neckless. or even a different textues such as glitter. To help me control the thickness of the liner next time i should use a eye slimmer unangled brush.
The brows need defining more to make this look finsihed, but over all I am quiet happy with the outcome and it fits within the given context.

This task was to create a mendi/henna inspried pattern to incorperate into a editorial look.