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Design & Casting.

Things to consider for my design.


  • What context the makeup is for

  • Refrence images of family members for common characteristics

  • How will my lifestyle have affected me

  • skin texture

Life Casting.



I found this very hard to keep my cast to look like me but older as I dont think it resembled me to start with. I also am very fortunate to have very well ageing family so I wanted to replicate the traits that run though my family very subtley as the grooves and wrinkles aren't very obvious when their faces are unexpressioned. I used a arange of metal and plastic tools for creating this along with a stipple sponge and plastic wire brush for texturising. I have kept very true to my design as each part was considered and taken from a family memeber.


Over all I am happy with my attempt to age my self between 60 and 70, it took me along time to do as to start with I over did the wrinkle in the forehead and smile lines making them look comical so that hardest part for me was making it look believeable and not fantasy. I am very happy with how the lines around my eyes have turned out, I wanted to keep them quiet small but many of them as I am very expesionate with my eye, but with the same facial expressions ie. I smile alot. The hardest feature to do was the lips as I didn't want to have a smokers pursed lip look but applying small lines in to break down my lip line without producing this look was hard and I found when trying to texture over the top it became very difficult to keep them clear. The part I would like to improve on is texture and making it look realistic i think this would come with practise and learning more about our skin's pore and layers of texture.

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