Dramatic Contexts
By Kate Garrett
The above images show the before and after the use of photoshop, I think it is incrediable how such minor changes, or alot in some cases, make such a huge impact on the image. Many of these I think the main focus is to make their skin look better and glowing and to make them younger and/or slimmer.
Impacts of media using photoshoped images.
I think society has become obsessed with being skinny and beautiful because young men and women admire the people in the magazines wanting to become them, but who they are seeing is a manipluated version of the real person which in some cases is a drastic change then what they look like in real life. Which is influencing people to go on diets to become skinnier, than whats healthy, it is also leading people to question their apperance and others opinions of them most of the time in a negative way when in actual fact they are beautiful and healthy but society has given them this image to look up to which isn't real, is this right of society to put this look out into the media to influence people?
Figure 14.0
Figure 14.1
Figure 14.2
Figure 14.3
My attempt at photoshop.
Changes I have made:
Brightened the colour of my eyes
Added an arch in the left brow
Slimmed down my nose
Smoothed out th ecolour of my lips
Enchanced the left eys shadow
Slimmed down the left side of the face
When trying to create a realistic touchup you don't want to completey smooth out the skin you want to be able to see the pore texture otherwise it has a shiny plastic appearnce to the skin. Tools I used on photoshop were; clone tool, ink tool , brush tool and the dodge & burn ( to lighten and darken).
Using for a portfolio.
You can use it to tweak images as in industry images are touched up however you need to be able to idenitfy what you have altered if asked. Minimal changes are used however completey changing the appearnce of the make-up isnt being true to your ability so I believe it would be wrong to make drastic changes.
Self Evaluation.
I found using the softwear not as hard as I thought, when you intially open it it can be very daunting as there as so many buttons and options to choose from but once I learnt some of the basic tools and how to used them I felt more confident to experiment. I tried to do really subtle changes as I wanted to experience touchups they would so for a magazine so tired to make myself have slimmer features and I smoothed over the skin slightly. Looking at them now I could have gone a bit more extreme with the smoothing out the skin as you cannot see a massive difference and I would have tried to slim my face down even more so it is more of a impact as you look at it however I feel I coped very well with using a new softwear and producing a passable end result.