Dramatic Contexts
By Kate Garrett
Mould Making.
Vac-form Mold.
I really liked this technique it was fast and very simple to use, however we did find that if you didnt leave the machine for long enough to heat up then the vacforming didnt fit the mold perfectly it was a little gappy round the edges. But this was only down to your pacience and letting it heat up properly, apart from that I had no issure with this technique.
Closed Molds.
I used this class practise of closed molds as a mock up for the nose I will be sculpting for task 2. I tried to create a very flat straight looking nose from the front but when you turned to the side it had a slight bump. I kept this smooth to help me decided whether or not to texture my next one, judging by the realistic finish on the face and if it suit my painting. Below are thoughts on my sculpt:
- Grounding up is too far away around the nostrils and too thin when I added touch downs they weren't big enough
- Nostrils aren't even with the shape
- Clay at from the bridge of the nose tappers to the left slighty
- From the clay to meet the plaster felt very smooth without any ridges, didnt spread too far away from the sculpt either
Over all it was alright however looking at in now there are different shapes and ways I would tweak the techniques I've learnt for a better outcome.
Sculping & grounding up Evaluation.
Molding, Demolding & cleaning up Evaluation.
Molding was quiet quick to do as we used a technique learnt from a different unit, as I had previously done this I felt I was improving in both speed and quality of my molds.
Demolding was a little difficult, I didn't have the strength to pull the two apart nor the hand span to grip around the whole negative mold to pull away. I tried leavering them apart to get my hand under to them pull, this made it alot easier as I had something to grip onto, from here it it came away really quickly. As you can see the postive mold is quiet cleaning it only needed the clay wiping off. However when I removed the clay out of the negative part I used a metal tool which scratched all the plaster which will affect the outcome of my prosthetic pieces. Next time I will use a wooden of plastic tool to avoid leaving grooves.
(Attempt 1)
Right side.
- Crack running through the just above the nostrill making this side impossible to blend
- Not enough used to create big enough smooth thin edges
- Shape of the sculpt is okay from this angel - looks quiet bulky around the tip
Left side.
- Another crack in the side of the nose
- Length/thinness of the edges on this side is alot better
- tip of the nose looks more rounded and doesnt flow as nicely to join the rest
Front view.
- Proportions of the sculpted part look quiet even, maybe need to sort out the very top section
- Side edges are way uneven and wouldnt be blendable
- Need to put more geltine into the mold to create more flashing and better edges overall
- Not got a clear difference between flashing and nose around the nostrils
Problem - No flashing or edges/cracks
Solution - Use more gelatin so its not spread so thickly
Problem - Thickness of edges
Solution - Apply more press so that there is a difference in thickness up to the cutting edge
Gelatin Application.
Piece used was my second one produced.
Coloured with Supra color.
- Looks very heavy on the face
- Proportions especially the width over the bridge of the nose don't look right, too wide
- Nostrils aren't even nor applied to the right place
- Edges haven't blended very well
- Looks very shiny under bright light - use a mattifying product over the top?
- Once sealed the colour was easy to apply and layer up
- Colour match was good, mayber needed a little warmth adding in however picked up every imperfection in the piece (harsh edges/airbubble)
- It moved well with making facial expressions around the nostrils
Over all I was not happy with this if doing again I wan to correct my edges and add more warmth to the piece as a whole. Try colouring with a different product to see if this give a different finish/texture. I also want to try and remove the shine for this I will try Mac's Matt primer.