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Facial Postiche.



How to detect its a bad kntted beard..

  • Fake looking

  • Not single knotted

  • Not knotting in the right direction

  • Too much hair - the thickness makes it look unatural

  • Have one piece of positche that has both a moutache and beard on one piece (they should be seperate)

  • Flat unatural looking colour


What makes a good Knotted beard?

  • use a mixture of at least 3 colours matching their own hair (if this is the required look)

  • darts in the correct place around the chin for a snug fit to the face

  • natural blend/fading of hair around the hairline for the natural look

  • Single knotting 

  • Not using too much hair (when adding curl it will double in size)




This is an example of a bad beard by being too thick, it was bulk knotted in some aread and the shape/beldning hair line arent natural looking.

This is a half finsihed beard however there are some good points such as it has been single knotted and there a multitones of hairs being used however it has still be knotted quiet dencely.

This beard's foudation is worng as you would never knott a moutache and beard as once piece, the colour looks quiet flat. compare to the other examples the thickness is much better however the hairline is still  resmebling a straight line.

This thickness and use of colour is the best out of these examples as it resembles where greying would start and the thickness doesnt look too heavy and unatural against the face. The blending at the hair line is there dlightly however when photographed it doe look like it is a line rather than gradually blending.

Cleaning Facial positche/lace front wigs.


This method is used for all facial postiche and lace front wigs however you must consider what hair you have used in your piece as if using synthetic then soaking in acetone may cause this plastic strand to mishape/melt away, however on natural human/animal hair soaking it will not affect the strands.



1. Dip the lace in a bowl of acetone to soak (length of time will depend on how much product is left on) any adhesive and residues left on the lace, you will need to wear gloves.

2. Remove from the bowl and with cotton wool wrapped in muslin cloth also soaked with acetone then rub along the lace one of top and one underneath the lace until clean.

3. Leave to dry 

Types of Hair.


Human hair 

                       European - Most expensive real hair

                                         - You can buy it in a variety of natural colours

                                         - The hair texture is quiet mild


                       Asian - Not as expensive as European

                                  - Alot coarser in texture

                                  - It comes in a variety of colours however it is more                                        limited than european  as most asians natural hair                                        colour is very dark


Animal hair

                      Yak - Comes in black, gray and off white

                             - Very coarse texture- this makes it a very thick bulky                                       effect when dressed out

                             - It can be aftifically coloured however it doesnt hold                                       the colour permantely


                      Angora Goat  - Very soft and fine texture

                                                - Usually used in fanatnys or charcter pieces

                                                - Colours very well and holds it

                                                - Expensive to buy


                      Sheeps wool (Crepe hair) - Bought in braided rope which                                                                             gives is a wavy texture                                                                                             however it can be straightened                                                                             out/changed

                                                                     - Good for laying the hair on                                                                                   rather than knotting

                                                                     - The least expensive animal hair                                                                           to buy

                                                                     - Available in a range of colours


Synthetic hair

                           - Doesnt last as long as the other types of hair, better for                                 one of uses

                           - Available in almost any colour

                           - Made of plastic so can only be dressed out using                                           perticular methods.

                           - Very cheap to buy

Styles of Facial Hair.

Figure 15.0

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