Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett

This isn't exactaly how I wanted to final result to go, I had to suisitute the airbrushing for grease paint as I hadn't bought enought to cover both this assesment trials and shooting. So the skin texture looks very heavy and thickly applied, which it is.
Two Eye Prosthetic pieces.
The two eye prosthetic pieces are the best application I have done to date. They bleed out smoothly the only issue was the (to look at the image) right side there is some clumping where it has bled into the borw and gone clumpy. They were conformtable to wear for a long period of time; I questioned emma on fit and comfortablity regualarly to make sure she was happy and comfortable as if this was on set they would have to wear this makeup for lng days and being unconfortable could cause health issues such as head aches.I really like the combination of highlighting the eye pieces and shading the lids, it works well to create the tall eye effect of a crab. However the cap plastic outting had started to crack and peel away when I applied to the face, this is something I have not come across before so further research and trials would need to be made if this was on a production.
Craking bald cap plastic.
Issue with bleeding out the edge.
Baggy bald cap.
Bald Cap.
The fit around the front of the bald cap was really good and the edges bleed away virtually seamless which I was very impressed with. However I had added too much extra at the nape which made the bald cap too big causeing wrinkling at the nape of the neck. This could be corrected by shortening my safety area around the back and pulling it more taught before glueing. Everywhere else I am very happy with thr fit around the head. I could have made the cap a little thicker over the ears as you can still define the ear shape and ideally you do not want to see this. But as a whole the edges are the thinnest I have every made and the colouring works and sits well so these are improvements from previous applications. But over all I am happy with the outcome and feel it is suitable fro my context.