Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Final Theatrical Images.

Over all I am happy with the outcome, looking back there are some changes I would have made both in technical ability and photography angles however this fits in well for the context which is the main point I was trying to convey. Theatre posters/adverts are all about the visual and very often it has one or two charcetrs as the focus of a very bare page with a small image of a key silhoutte linked to the show. The image is supposed to make you intreged and want to go and see the show. These were my first edited set and I know the editing is professional standards however I am very pleased with it's outcome and my personal skill development to produce this. This has allowed me to learn key skills that will be vital when creating my film posters as my ideas are much more about the feeling in the film context rather than the apperance, like the theatre. So in photo shop terms I am progressing at a rapid speed in this unit which has been a challenge which I have throughly enjoyed.