Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Scale texture.
Image 9.0 – Mesh Scale technique
This seems a very quick method of created a regular symmertical scale pattern, in the video they use eyeshadow but you use body paints if you wanted for a more striking and stronger look.
Image 9.1 - Fishnet Scale Technique
The technique can be seen from 21:35.
This is a very cheap way to produce this scale like look, he uses a cream product which compared to the colour intesnity of the eyeshadows used in the first video is alot greater but not too over powering. With this material you have a wider choice of sizes of scales as it is more stretchy.
Image 9.2 - Airbrushing Scales Technique
This is a much more skilled texhniques as you can only do it if you have access to an airbrush, it is a lovley technique for al strengths of colour as you have more control over how much product is used. It involves using stencilling which you can buy or make your own. The only downside is you need specialist products to run through your airbrush which can be expensive.

For a long time there has been the question of are mermaids real? Well here I am looking at what we think makes a mermaid, what legends have told us and others interpriatations. As we have 1/3 of our world covered in water it is natural that we would think that things such as sea serpents and Merfolk exsist.
Babylonian deity Era or Oannes.
Also known as the fish god he was depcited as half male and half fish, this is where many imagines mermaids to come from. Below is an image of him carved into stone.

Image 9.3 - The fish God
As you can see the image of merfolk haven't really developed much we still invisage them with the top half human and the bottom half fish as demonstrated throughout the film examples below.

Image 9.4 - Movie example 1

Image 9.5 - Movie example 2

Image 9.6 - Movie example 3

Image 9.7 - Movie example 4

Image 9.8 - Movie example 5

Image 9.9 - Movie example 6

Image 9.10 - Movie example 7

Image 9.11 - Movie example 8

Image 9.12 - Movie example 9

Image 9.13 - Movie example 10
Inspiration board.

Image 9.14 – Inspiration 1

Image 9.15 – Inspiration 2

Image 9.16 - Inspiration 3

Image 9.17 - Inspiration 4

Image 9.18 - Inspiration 5

Image 9.19 - Inspiration 6
Image 9.20 - Inspiration 7
The traits I have seen throughout my research and inspiration board are:
* blonde wavy/lightly curled hair
* pale skin
* Beautiful eyes
* Blues/greens used alot
* Shimmer/metalic products
These are things I am going to take into consideration when designing as I want my mermaid to have key characteristics that people assosiate with them so you understand her as a character.