Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Film Shoot Images.

I think this really works well at combing the new with the historical but without it feeling frumpy of a mish mash. Looking at the eyes I love the hint of blue it really bring out liv's eyes with the lip colour as they are complimentary colours on the colour wheel. I would change the eyelashes used as they look a bit too thick compared to the soft skin tones.
Her complexion is less shimmery than the theatrical i have only place the smallest amount of colour and highlighter on her cheeks and nose which just enhance her bone structure without being too heavy or overbearing.
The prosthetic shells have been airbrushed over then lightly dusted with the contouring colour just to define the shape slightly so they stand out from the skin. i am really pleased with how they blended into the skin, he smaller one worked better. The larger ones one or two the cap plastic was a little thick so it isn't a seamless edge as I had hoped.But overall it worked well and looked as if they had grown out of her body.
The hair is unusal for a typical 'mermaid look' however I wanted to have depth to my design infromated by my reasearch so everything has a reason as to why its their so I took alot of historical influence for the hair and i am pleased with the outcome. The bun with the plait and the long ringlet curls work well to produce a contrasting textures that work well together but don't over power the image which is really important for film.
However I picked a really windy day to shoot and even with alot of freeze gel spray, hairspray and grips her baby hairs escaped, however for the DVD cover image this adds movement to a otherwise still image so it works for this in the filming however it wouldn't be acceptable and it would need to stay down.

This colouring works really well over the prosthetic pieces and bald cap, I used airbrush as for the context I needed a light coverage that didn't look like it was there through the camera lense. Which I have achieved on the most. Towards the back and sides I ran out of product as I under estimated the amount of airbrush product would be needed to cover the whole head and face hence why it isn't as covered over the back. I tried to apply foundation just to blend it all together but it was lifting off the under colour so I left it and flicked skin illustrator over the top so blend the colour back as much as I could withing my time frame. This is something I need to make sure doesn't happen again in future.
I am really pleased with the bald cap edges they blend almost seamlessly all the way round however once again the bald cap was too big and form wrinkles. This is something I have not been able to improve quick enough. Compared to my assesment piece that fitting is better and smaller than this cap it was onyl the nape that was too big whereas this time it was around the ears I have allowed too much to cover them.
As with my practise the eye pieces blended out really well except in that right corner, I managed to not get it blended into the brow but accidentally got it stuck to itself cause wrinkles so for this it was a rookie error which is ashame as you are drawn to it when you look at the image.
Over all I am happy with the contouring as it is very subtle suitable for film and the higlighting works well the slight shimmer adds another dimention which is assosiated with the sea so is bring in the crabs roots.
I am pleased with the outcome and impressed at how far my prosthetic making, application and blending skill have improved over this unit which is something I have really worked hard on but there are little things that have let down this image but I know my mistakes. This doesn't out shine the progress my technical abilty has progress and my confidence in this area of makeup has grown so this makeup is a success and works for the context.
Images together.

I really like how this works together as a collection neither makeup draw your attention overpowering another. I was worried that because Emma is a very simplistic look and very natural that she would look unfinished and bare next to Liv but I feel I have got the balance of the crab and human influence evenly.
The location work well as I am creating this for a DVD cover and the end of trialer coming soon stills the movement created by the sea and sand ands depth and texture to th epicture which works really well. These are just a selection that show different angles and focus pointed my photographer worked with. From the contact sheets I will choose good framed images that work with the styles commonly used for the covers. They normally have a dinamic or ideillic feel about them so these are qualities that I am looking for in these images.