Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Body Painting - Julia Townend.
All Research about paints, artists and techniques are on my Makeup exploration bodypainting research page, please refer to if needs be.!body-painting/c1obk
Here are Julia's tips and tricks of working in the bodypainting industry, she splits them up into 5 sections.
* Have an idea of what is require before tunring up
* Prepare stencils, were appropriate
* Prepare glitter on thin layers of cap plastic/latex to speed application
* Gems can be pre design and attatched to net for wuick application
* Check on the facilities before arriving, i.e. showers, heating, ventilation
* Make sure models will have dressing gowns, slippers, hot drinks provided
* Create desings/moodboards as a visual reference
* Nudity issue - check with the company if bra's have to be worn, if so can you cut them down so they are just covering the breasts
* Plan out the order so you know exctally what you are doing and when - this will save you time!
Preperation and Planning.
Model Selection.
* Choose slender, small breasted, tone muscled women if possible - Dancers are a good choice as they can withstand being on their feet for long periods of time and tend not to be as fussy as models.
* Communication is key, tell them what you will be doing, the products, designs, so they know what to expect and to be ready.
* Work on areas that allow them to sit down for as long as possible to start with so they are not on their feet for any unessisary amount of time.
* The work space must be confortable for the models to stanhd naked in, i.e. adjustable heating, blinds, toilets etc.
* Stand no towles or fluffy socks to keep warm, wear hats.
* Hair free
* If using fullers earth colour it with pigment paint not body paints to save money
* Buy in bulk where possible, i.e plastic sheeting for stencils
* Cheap brushes for painting with/usng glittler than can be thrown away after the job
* Do not use make-up brushes for body painting, they are expensive to replace and will ruin from using in and out of water repeatedly
* Creamy products build up well on the skin with good colour intensity.
* MAC body painting products stain the skin - use head and shoulder to remove.
* Water soluable glue is less harsh on the skin and can be washed off with water so it good for indoor/minimal movement use.
* MAC face anf body is good coverage for fleash tone in desings.
* Kryolan Shimmering vision has very instense and durable colours, including metallics.
* Razor - incase models have forgot to come hair free.
* Fixer spray is good as an extra level of durablility.
* Towels/scrubbing mitts/shower items
* Derma Sheild - for sensitive skin
* Vasline and Duo
This will vary from each job you have but generally you can research into these areas for inpiration:
* photographers
* the weather/season around you
* current trends
* fashion designers
* artists
* runway
* film and TV
* competitions - World body painting/paintopia
* key people in the industry - Joanna Gair, Carolyn Cowen
* adding texture and 3D elements

With our body painting Julia wanted to see texture and movement. I feel i have captured movement within my piece well as I used alot of curved brush strokes, I also used different tones of pink within th ebase of it which gave it depth which I then built on.
The texture needs to be alot stronger I could have applied latex, fuller earth or gems to give it that texture however this is something I will focus on more next time. Hopefully with a balance and good combination of the two requirements.
I was really happy with my colour choice in this piece as I felt they worked together and didn't become an eye sore of too overpowering.