Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Hair Comparison.
Types of Hair.
Human hair
European - Most expensive real hair
- You can buy it in a variety of natural colours
- The hair texture is quiet mild
Asian - Not as expensive as European
- Alot coarser in texture
- It comes in a variety of colours however it is more limited than european as most asians natural hair colour is very dark
Animal hair
Yak - Comes in black, gray and off white
- Very coarse texture- this makes it a very thick bulky effect when dressed out
- It can be aftifically coloured however it doesnt hold the colour permantely
Angora Goat - Very soft and fine texture
- Usually used in fanatnys or charcter pieces
- Colours very well and holds it
- Expensive to buy
Sheeps wool (Crepe hair) - Bought in braided rope which gives is a wavy texture however it can be straightened out/changed
- Good for laying the hair on rather than knotting
- The least expensive animal hair to buy
- Available in a range of colours
Synthetic hair
- Doesnt last as long as the other types of hair, better for one of uses
- Available in almost any colour
- Made of plastic so can only be dressed out using perticular methods.
- Very cheap to buy.

Choosing hair for this unit.
When deciding on what hair to use for my hair work this unit I had to take into consideration what I could buy for my money and how this would have worked with my designs.
Because I have decided to make a chingon for Liv and due the its position/the style I ahve chosen I think the best opition would be human hair as it would be really obvious if it was synthetic and it would not blend in as the style. Due to buyin real hair for this I have opted to buy synthetic red hair for the other looks sue to the requrements of the desing this will be adiquate. I have bought a synthetic hair that will allow up to 180 degrees of heat so it still has some styling capabilities.