Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Model Profile.

Liv Dawson.
Liv has long hair which is perfect forAriel however it is very thin so I would need to consider making/using hair pieces for the more complicated 1830's hair designs.
Her pale skin and delicate features link to the beauty of the charcater as described in Anderson's text, her naturally thick brows are more contemporary feel which will help me bring the character into a contempory desing but with a historical element.

Emma Huckvale.
I have chosen emma as she has a good shaped face for the prosthetics I plan on making, her skin tone is very intresting and would give me a challange to make a good blend of the bald cap and prosthetics to create a realistic look.
The hair length is perfect for my design of theatrical sebastian as I wanted a curlyy/waves texture of the hair to surround the crab sculpt so this should work really well as I do not have realy long thick hair to deal with.