Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Full Head Cast Research.
Health and Safety.
* The model is the most imporatnt person in the room so they need to feel confortable, calm and you must never leave them alone of in silence fo rlong periods of time as this can be unearving and lead to panic attacks.
* Have a few people to assist to keep the process flowing and smooth to avoid making mistakes that could cause injury
* NEVER use straws
* Do not make you model laugh, could cause alignate to move into the nostrils
* NEVER preform this procedure if they have a cold
* Apply the bald cap
* cover the model to protect clothing
* cover the chair to protect it
* Have all materials cut up and ready to use when needed, extra amount is always reccommened
* Apply a release agent to any hair on the face, ie. eyelashes and eyebrows
1. Prep and position the model; looking straight, bum at the back of the seat (helps to keep the back straight) and chin up as seen in th eimage above.
2. Draw on the hairline with a waterbased paint, make sure it is a thick visiable line and cover the back of the head and shoulers in your chosen mould release. Nieva hand cream is recommended as is is not as greasy as vasline.
3. With plaster bandage outline the back half of the cast, use a folded piece of bandge with the folded edge on the outside for added strength.
4. Second layer repeat the outline then fill in the gap, build up a few layers so you have a strong cast, beware it will get heavy so check the position of your model is correct when you start to fill in the outline.
5. Then twist long pieces of plaster bandage this is your 'rope' and place along the edge as you have done in the face casting session then down the back and over the chair for added strength.
Images below show this process.


6. Now apply the nivea hand cream to the cap, hair on the model and over the 2 inches over the edge of the back cast so the two halves do not stick together.
7. Mix the alginate (for more information see the Dramatic context unit information), and apply to the face as you would in a face cast only also falling and covering onto the neck.
8. The first plaster bandage layers over the seam of the two halves (not going past the nivea section as you will not be able to pull them apart, then you build up the face as you would normally.
9. Once again build a rope around the front halves outer edge then down the front for added strength.
10. Allow to dry.
Images below show this section.

11. Draw lines crossing the seam to use as refrence point once it has been removed.
12. Demould from your model, ease the halves away from each other, your model may want to hold the front to take the weight for confort, moving facial feature to help removal.
13. Put superglue around and inside the nostrils and Mix a very thick amount of alginate and hold against the outside of the nostrils and gentle push together so that the alginate naturally forms nostrils inside the cast.
14. Bandage over the outside of the nostrils.
15. Now join the two halves together, matching up the lines you have drawn,and plastre bandage over the seam.
16. Apply the nivea over the inside of the mould that has exposed plaster cast, then fill with a plaster mix to create your full head cast.
Images below show this section.

From here you will need to do repairs, removes excess plaster, sand down the seamd and the head into shape so you have a smooth surface to sculpt onto.