Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Case Study - Les Miserables.
Here I have looked at musicals and how they have been interprited for stage and film/TV. I am looking for the key differences, if there are any, and what sort of impact the makeup has i.e. is it thickly applied or barely noticeable?
Image 3.0 - Les Miserables Movie Trailer
Image 3.1 - Les Miserables theatre trailer
Visual comparison - Film

Image 3.2 - Film still 1
Image 3.3 - Film still 3
Image 3.4 - Film still 2
Image 3.7 - Film still 4
Image 3.5 - Film still 5
Image 3.6 - Film still 6
The makeup mostly is lightly applied and the smallest amounts of colour make a massive difference on how they are percieved. Below are still from the film and it shows a multitude of characetrs the only ones that have a more theatrical influence to their look are the Thénardier's. Overall I really like how the hair and makeup looks and moves on camera.
Visual comparison - Theatre

Image 3.8 - Full cast on stage

Image 3.9 - Schools production

Image 3.10 - Ball scene

Image 3.11 - Eponine on stage
Character comparison.
The actual make up is very similar in both theatre and film however it is much heavier and noticable in the stage production, as seen in the trailer above, which fits into its contexts. Overall the looks play heavily on the theatrical influence in these characters which as a collective works really well.
Jean Valjean.

Image 3.12 - Eponine in film
Theatrical interpritation:
* Long unkept hair
* Dirt/grubby look
* Eyes look to have liner on/more defined
Film interpitation:
* Dirty and unkept however in a more broken down skin way rather than dirt put on top of the skin.
* Long slighty ratty hair
* Lightly peachy colour in the cheeks
* No heavy application of makeup

Image 3.13 - Jean Valjean in film
Theatrical interpritation:
* He is very pale
* Long slightly wavy hair but doesn't look overly unkept
* not overly dirty or mallnurished looking
Film interpritation:
* The skin looks dehydrated, old and weathered
* Not big bushy brows they look slightly groomed - linked to status?
* Hair had a more historical look with the texture and sideburns
* Skin has some colour (it has not been paled down)

Image 3.14 - The Thénardier's in film
Theatrical interpritation:
* Very over the top looks
* Makeup is heavit applied it looks thick on the skin, following traditional theatrical makeup traits
* The lady has very percise curled and styled hair (very different to the film)
* the painted red tip of his nose could be linked to his personality? clown like?
* Vibrant
Film interpritation:
* Paled down faces
* Very strong imapcting makeup on the madames face which is more contempary then historically accurate
* Hair's texture reflects the caotic and unhonest lifestyle
* Doesn't portray a very obviously beautiful face

Image 3.15 - Fantine in film
Theatrical interpritation:
* Ghostly looking but very clear skin
* Short choppy hair - boy like cut
* Fuller looking features
Film interpritation:
* Clear pale skin but bags under the eyes and light conoutring surgests un healthy
* Short hair , less choppy looking
* Thicker shapeless brows
* Thin scrawny looking

Image 3.16 - The Thénardier's in theatre

Image 3.17 - Jean Valjean on stage

Image 3.18 - Fantine on stage