Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Crab Research.
- ten jointed legs (they are decapods)
- the front two legs are usually claws
- has two eyes on stalks
- breathes through gills which will work in water or air (as long the gills stay moist)
- has a hard shell which acts as its protection against outside threats (birds/fish/humans)
- grows by molting its old shell and then 'inflating' a new, bigger shell
Eggs are produced that the female will carry them until they hatch into tiny larvae which will then take their chance feeding in the sea before becoming adult crabs.
Image 17.0 -Crabs of the Sea Shore (Littoral Crabs).


Image 17.1 - Blue Crab

Image 17.2 - King crab

Image 17.3 - Brightly coloured crab

Image 17.4 - Large crab

Image 17.5 - Red Crab

Image 17.6 - close up

Image 17.7 - close up second angle
What I am taking from this reasearch.
These are the images that have inspired my design. The shape of the body and legs have beentransfered and created in wefts of hair so that you can tell by the silhouette on stage that its a crab. I have take the virbant colour aswell because this is the most commonly associated colour with crabs hence why I have used it, it also make it appear as a collection with the red flower crown.
For my other design I am really intresting in making the eyes long and oval like those of image 17.6/7 becuase this is an unusal finish and I think it is a subtle way of have a big crab influence on that bald piece. The texture is another feature I am thinking of transfering to my human/crab design as I think the hard but shiny shell would work as a bald cap to give that shape and feel to the look.