Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Sea Shells Prosthetics.
Sculpting Analysis.
This was harded than what I thought it was going to be as I wanted them in a very small scale and then larger, so they had to stand out in their own right but work as a collective. I have learnt that I should not try to work on small sculpting pieces after a long day as I easily get fustrated and it takes me longer than needed to produce it. When I am timetabling my work for the week I should take this into consideration in the furture to make the most out of my time.
For texture I have just broken up the surface for tiny little groves and lines in all directions so that it isn't smooth as seen from the shells I have collected and used on my research page. But as these are supposed to have grown as part of her development as a young adult becoming princess I wanted a pored slightly skin texture to they blend in but stand out slightly from the difference in texture.
Overall I am happy with these sculpts and feel with highlighting and shading they will look beautiful against Liv's skin.

Larger shell development.
Smaller shell, before and after texturing.
Large shell textured.

Casting Analysis.

This was a very quick and simple casting process, I used 4g of part A Pro gel 10 and 4g of part B. It set in half an hour and demoulding was easy it just poped out of the mould.

Casting out prosthetic pieces.
These are my first pieces cast out and the larger one has good thing edges however the same doesn't have the same this was very hard to demould, I don't think I have applied enought mould release to the flat piece mould as the cap plastic ripped off leaving the bleeding edge uncomplete.
My next few cast out really well the edges were all complete and worked really well on the skin (you can see this on my final film images).

This is combination of airbrushing and flicking skin illustrator colour of the prosthetic pieces, as this is for the film context grease paints/heavy makeup would not be appropriate. I like the coverage and blending however I feel the skin illustrator makeit it look a little patchy so I willl be very lightly applying this if any on live I will see how it works on her skin.
Below is the collection of real shells I used for reference.