Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Creative Writing.

This session was all about character development and how the description in a script/book/text can give a strong indication of their personalitlty, appearance and their background/history. This poem by Robert Graves was an example we looked at how words create a visual image.
We then in groups played concequences which lead us to create a visual look of our character which we then did different exercises to develop our charcetrs more in depth from which we created our designs.
Ou visual notes were:
Brown eyes
Purple irridecent skin
Red Afro
Carrying a wooden staff
With a lip ring
We then chose two of these issues and linked it to our character, both their personality and then affects on their looks. This was taken into consideration when creating my design.
From paper to makeup.

Makeup Analysis.
I was really pleased with the outcome as it was a very quick process from creation, development, design to makeup. Apart from the red afro part I feel that the features refelect the hard, abusive life she has lived reflect in the scar. This was done with tubplast as a quick applicaton process if this was to develop further then wax of even a small prosthetic piece would be needed.
The lip ring needs to have some better highlighting and shading used as this looks quiet flat and unrealistic at the moment. The black on her lids has gone a bit patchy on the inner lids due to hannahs dry skin I could have used a wet product such as a gel liner then coated with shadow as this woud have kept the colour more even and intense. Aroundthe edge is a purple blended into the edge to help bring out the purple contouring more. The left eye is blended a little higher up then the right which I should have taken down a little more.
The brows have been filled in a little however I have not brushed the hair into a clean shape as this reflects the slightly more masculin features as my character has been a drag queen for a few months and is still learning the grooming techniques and styles. Overall it is okay however this could be improved on dramatically with more time to improve on my techniques.