Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
The little mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen Text Breakdown.
Here I have photocopied the story The Little Mermaid (Quote book) with inital notes that surround and influence my interpritation of the characters especially the mermaids. As it was written in 1836 I will take this time period into consideration, I want the era to influence my work as it would have inspired him. I hopw to have a historical twist to my characters.

Considerations for designing ariel.
They key aspects about the character I have focused on are:
* Pale skin
* Very Beautiful
* Long Hair
* Loves flowers - especially lillies
* Red is the colour used around her alot
* Very emotive personality
These are things I am taking into consideration when designing my charcater as i want it to reflect her as written in the text rather than soley copying the animated version as this is someone elses' interpritation.