Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Case Study - Finding Nemo.
Animated Finding Nemo.
Finding Nemo on stage.
As I have seen from the other animations I have looked at the colours are very vibrant and related to their personality, indictaing instantly to the audience who they should like/dislike. As this is an underwater themed film there has been a emphasis on the blue/green tones even on the out of water scenes which makes the virbancy flow througout the film.

This has taken it a step further than the lion king as the animals are entirely puppet/prop form with the actiors in corosponding catsuits with no makeup which is really inytrestin gthey they have chosen to produce it this way. It also may be so people can play multiple roles without having to change the hair and makeup constantly.
Image 5.0 - Sharks on stage
Image 5.1 - School Scene
Image 5.2 - Marlin
Image 5.3 - Journey to finding nemo

Image 5.4 - Film shot 1

Image 5.5 - Film shot 2

Image 5.6 - Film shot 3

Image 5.7 - Film shot 4