Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Case Study - Lion King.
Here I am looking at how animation has been translated and interpritated into a stage show. Lion King is one of the most successful musicals of all time which gives me a good base of research on how something can be completely reinvented from screen to stage.
Animated Lion King (Disney).

Image 4.0 - Circle of life

Image 4.1 - film still 1
Image 4.2 - film still 2
Image 4.3 - film still 3
Image 4.4 - film still 4
The colours are very vibrant throughout both scenery and animals, it is very clear through the colouration of the character weather they are good or bad as they darker tone are assosciated with the villians. The texture created is very flat and it is show through small elements.
for example we know the lions are fury due to the tuft of hair on the head of simba.
Lion King on stage.

Image 4.8 – Timone and Pumba
Image 4.9 - Up close bird

Image 4.10 - Lion Pride
Image 4.11 - Scar vs Musafa

Image 4.12 - animlas
The creativity throughout this show is unbelieveable. The texture used througout is very true to the real animals and it captures expression/personalities of the characters really well.
I like how the character is the mask and then african tribal paintings is on the face inkeeping with the culture its set within. This is something I would like to include into my own work.
Character comparison.
Image 4.5 - Scar on screen

Image 4.13 - Scar in theatre
The theatrical scar had a very artist influence looking as if he is a painting with hard edged shades and highlights which work really well at reflecting his personality. The makeup works well on it's own however it doesn't over power the masks impact.
The animated version is very basic and old fashioned feeling in comparison, your focus being drawn to th epurple scar above his eye this paired with the over exagerated brows and large teeth all indicate his evil traits.

Image 4.14 - Musafa on stage
Image 4.6 - Musafa on screen
As the other animated characters Musafa looks very one toned and flat (untextured).
Comapred to the theatrical version as he looks very tribal and kind looking. the colour choice of yellow and reds link into the animated version but it is very subtley done with brilliant colour placement.
Image 4.7 - Rafiki on screen
Image 4.15 - Rafiki on stage
This is my favourite theatrical interpritation as the colours are so virbant and exciting to look at you automatically fall feel a connection to this character. The patteren is very similar to the animated version which mimics a baboons colouring. But as in all the naimated verysion the texture indicaters are very sublte and the colours are blocked out which makes th epicture look quiet flat.