Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Male Makeup.
I am unsure on weather or not i am creating a male characetr for this unit so I have looked into male fashion makeup as if I do use a male it will be for a prince who are typically well groomed and with a bone structure to die for so it is important that I understand the highlighting and shading of a male to achieve this look.
When you are creating a male character or a male for an film there are certain techniques that are slightly changed or adapted from our normal skill set that are required here I have taken key points from The Art of Male Makeup (ref!!).
* You need to use a structured and perfected brush technique to create a more unkempt enhancement
* Use more erotic brush strokes
* Avoid shimmer products as this is not masculin
* Matt textures and products are the key for a natural enhanced look
* Maximise the angular shapes of his face rather than soften and round off as you would with a females
* Maintain and define the strong features this add another layer of masculinaty
* Define with a broken line for a more naturally masculine look
* Avoid created curvey 'traditional' cosmetic shapes i.e. blush on the apples of the cheeks as this strips away the illustion of masculinatly you are trying to create
* Keep the lips open when defining them, if you close them they pucker giving a fuller looking appearnce

Image 7.0 - Design 1
Image 7.1 - Male model 1
Image 7.2 - Design 2
Image 7.3 - Male model 2
Insipred by the 4 elements.
The shading and highlighting is very strong and difines features really strongly but not to slim down but to keep them wide and more angluar to give a slightly harder masculin look as demonstrated inthe image above.
Image 7.4 - Design 3
Image 7.5 - Male model 3
Image 7.6 - Design 4
Image 7.7 - Male model 4
Image 7.8 - Design 5
Image 7.9 - Male model 5
Image 7.10 - Design 6
Image 7.11 - Male model 6
I really like this series of elements interpriatations, the light/beautiful textures created of the elements works really well against the masculin features.
I have took inspriation especially from the water one by recreating it on the face using the eyeline as a base then the smooth tetxure of the hair above which adds and calming element to the image which balanced the entire image out very well.