Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Film Industry.
Areas to work in.
Feature films
Video production
Pop promotion/videos
Key information:
* Picture quality will vary due to the camera ans film stock being used.
for example in Tv 16mm film stock may be used and the in cinema 35mm.
The 35mm will give a much more detailed and clearer therefore everything must be in place the entire time, whereas for tv tiny errors or hairs may not be noticed.
* Cameras can cause a unsympathetic picture if the makeup and costume departments aren't involved in the making, in cases such as small budget productions. This is noticable on screen.
* Being the last port of call for the actors prior to going on set it is expected you to create a calm confortable enviroment so that the actors are ready for their performance. Also keeping calm under pressure shows a level of proffessionalism which impacts on your reputation.
* Makeup and hair are both done by the makeup artist (seperate people in photographic feilds)
* Within this sector there are many paths to follow; dramas, enterainment, soaps, etc. Each require a variety of skills to delievery the appropriate look wanted.
* Studios used to employee permanant makeup artists that would turn their hand to all areas however nower days most of the artists are freelance.
* Tv requirements are usually more simple than film as the budget is less and the time to produce the work is much shorter.
* A desinger is hired and bought into the process when production starts to breakdown scripts and design the individual characters.
* you could be working for a few days when there is many extras needed making up or a week or two depending on the amount of artists and your position.
Is that you could work on a wide variety of productions at quiet a fast pace, they also tend to be located in the same place so you can have a more steady home life rather than moving around a lot.
That it is short term contracts so there is no security of long term work.

Image 11.1 – In the makeup department
Image 11.0 – Behind the scene in the studio
* More budget available so more is put into the makeup department meaning their is more being spent on our department for a better quality image
* In bigger productions one makeup artist is incharge of a few actors and that the her responsibiltity, this tends to make for better continuity and the repore between actor and artist grows making working together more confortable and quicker.
* Designer breaksdown scripts, buying the makeup, determines the size of the team needed, ect.
* You are hired (if part of the department) for the duration of the filming process, however if there are days with a large amount on extras then other artists will be hired on a day basis.
* The average film takes 3 months to film, usually working a 6 day week however it is not unusal to work 7 days.
You work with the same group of people for a long period of time building up a good bond and networking system.
You can be working up to 14 hours a day solid for months meaning your home life will be very little making it very hard to commit to family occassions.
Image 11.2 – Filming Les Miserables

DVD cover.
These are for dance/musical films and as you can see there is a lot of passion displayed through the positioning especially in the step up and Fame DVD covers. My favourtie however is chicargo as for a simple ocver it is really powerful. The positiing of the characters is strong and works well with the lettering. This is something I think I will take as inspiration.
As I was inspired by the strong positing and still of chicargo I have found these covers which conveys a similar image to what could work with mine designs. The stillness could work really well as part of a series for the poster as well. Alot of the films you see have atheme running through all their advertising and this is something I am hoping to do aswell.