Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Sebastian - Theatre Hairstyling Tests.
Fingerwaving Analysis.
This is the first time I have done finger waving on a model and for that I think it is a good attempt, I know that I need to improve it alot to be up to standard but I was very pleased I could remeber and preform this technique.
I really like it coming down onto the face however I think that it should follow the hairline more as it looks off having such a big gap. This is my chosen placement of finger waving.
The alternate it to fingerwave down not overlapping the hairline, I like this however I think it adds a 20s feel to the look which I feel will confuse the audience on the time period (clashing with the 1830s). So will not be placing it here.

This is my second attempt which has drasticall improved from my first I took my time and used many clips to help me keep the desired shape which improved massivly from the first time. The only problem is now I need to get this to the same standard when it comes to shooting my final images.

Soft waves Analysis.
I really like the texture created with the rollers on the short hair as they look like the rolling waves and it adds height which I think is lovely and sits really well, especially when the sculpted hair crab is attached. The only downside is that is takes away from the crab.
An example of the flat against the soft texture is below, to see how they work together or if they clash. I am going to adapt my design to include the wet flat finger waving texture and the soft big curls to overlap to add more depth to the look.

Creating the Crab.

I struggled with this as I trialed creating a crab out of hair on the block to see what I could achieve before starting to create/sculpt a hair piece (these tests are below). From this I decided that the best way was to have the legs coming out of the body rather than from underneathe or seperate.

I have also looked/made pincers out of tights and stuffing to see if I could create something similar in hair, but as you can see from my trial of the pincers they take over the whole image which I felt for this was too much! you can understand what it is wihtout them, if I had more time then I would experiment with other ways to create the base of the pincers in a more suitable manner.
Adding pincers.

This is wefted pieces sewn together then wrapped over a frame of wire inside tights and stuffed, with pieces taken out of the roll wrapped around wire and palited to act as the legs these will then sit in amongst the rolls (waves). The hardest part was controlling the hair keeping it as smooth as possible when creating the roll around the fame because of it being synthetic hair I found that it would become tangled and ratty very quickly if not handled in the right way.