Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Theatre Industry.
* Most theatres/shows that artists are responsible for applying their own makeup, unless it is specialised such as prosthetics.
* The in house team is responsible for the wigs, their repairs, unkeep, washing and styling.
* There is normally very few memebers in this department.
* Lighting plays a massive effect on how the makeup will appear to the audience so it must be took into consideration when designing. Durability is another issue for being under the lights can be very hot and sweaty.

Image 12.0 - Being the scene at shrek the musical
Creating a show - The process.

Advertisting theatre.
This is a key part to the process as good advertising can make or break a show. When researching this area I found that there were two types of main advertisitng, a logo and simple poster/cover of the programme and th emore in your face dinamic images. When I have the photos taken I want a very simple but striking pose with a simple text, not an overpowering too busy over the top poster.