Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Final Film Images.

These are the still adverts that flash up after the trailer on TV.
I really like this set as it gives a feeling mystery and magic which is one of th ekey aspects when it comes to advertisting the film, through disscussion and reasearch I found most people view a poster and the feeling it gives them is what they base their opinion off whether to watch it or not. It also reflect the ending of the text well in a subtle and obvious way that you would only learn post veiwing, which means you are always looking at it and discovering more.
Here are the single posters for advertisting the film on release/DVD Cover.
As from my research there was mostly always a colection of character posters alongside themed/scene major one so here I have had an attempt of creating the series of character ones as they are supposed to flow and work well together I only edited so the tones and contrasts worked well together, that one didn't over power the other. As you see frm the editing page I trialed the text in a multitude of place but I felt with the set up of this image placing it in the negative space then having the details along the bottom it looked very bitty and seperate on the imge, to me having it here pulls all aspects together as one.
Sebastian's single poster is a complete contrast to Ariel's however because they are opposite I find the complimentary of each other which i wasn't expecting but I really like. I like how I am able to pull the strong and soft together for this advertising series depening on what it is aiming for.
Teaser Poster.
I think this give a big imapact to the veiwer as you want to know more you want to see whats hiding and brings you intrested intothe world of the little mermaid. I think this would work lovely as a series with the other two 'ocean' covered ones as it is almot like the light at the end of the road to revealing the story, which could work well in the film context as a teaser poster.

Duo Main poster.
What I really liked about this edit and why I chose it was for the simplicity, I have very creative posters/tv flash adverts that capture ariel's soul in image form which I love and work really well however having this theme across all the parts the to film context would have been too much. Like the others this isn't about the makeup it is about the image a whole and the feel/imagery that it gives to the intented audience. The text is different that the others, partly because of the white shirt unable to define the lettering and also as it is this would act as the main poster it needs to link into the series of images but stand out at the same time.

DVD Cover.
This bring all the posters and Tv adverts for the film together in a strong and powerful cover suitable for the DVD case. To me I feel it is a good way to end the series as it had built up with strong and soft images that to pull the two ends together with a powerful cover ends the journey from posters to tv adverts this is the inbetween.