Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Hair Punching.

To make a hair punching tool.
1. Take a needle with a large ish eye and gring down on a diagonal so you end up with a long and short fork.
2. You can then attatch it into a handle if you wish.
Hair punching method.
1. Take a bunch of hair that is bluntly cut and fan out between you fingers and hold against the area you want to punch.
2. Catch a hair with your tool and push it into the silicone, you need to go deep enough so that the hair sit into the silicone securely. Then pull out the needle leaving the hair in place.
Key note: the angle you punch the needle at is the angle your hair will sit.
3. Repeat this untill the desired pattern/shape has been created, then trim/style as required.

1. Layer glue onto the rewuired area and apply the clip onto the wet area if on a prosthetic piece of ask the model to hold it if using a human.
2. Apply the flocking into the flocking gun and turn on aiming at the wet glue. The flocking will move to the wet area from the gun.
3. Use the air only pressure on the airbrush to set the direction of the flocking.
Demo Examples.
How does a Flocking machine work?
'..the device is charged with high-votage electricity, 70 kilovolts, but with very low amperage so that no health or safety risk..' (Debreceni,2013, p419)
When it is turned on the fibre (flocking) flys from the machine (one pole) to the oposite pole (the area in which the adhiesive is)and sticks to this area. To achieve this the machine must be held no further than 12 inches away from the glued area.
It doesn't work greatly on latex as rubber is not conductive. All other material conduct well so are you are able to successfully flock them.
Health and safety.
If applying directly onto a person hea/face have them close their eyes and hold their breath when flocking onto the glue as it could easily go into their eyes/mouth which could caus irritation or breathing difficulties.
Image 16.0 - Flocking before and after.

Image 16.1 - Animal head flock and hairpunching combo
Image 16.2 - Hair flocking over a bald cap

Punching hair is when you push individual hairs with a needle into a material, such as; gelatine, silicone, etc.
When you do a full head you work from back to front the hair line is always the last part you do. You always push the needle in thw way you want the hair to lie.
Alternatly you can laye on hair for the bulk then 2/3 cm's from the hair line punch in the hair this will save you time.