Professional Make-up Project
Kate Garrett
Sea Makeup Experimentation.
Here are different interpritations and experiments of how I could represent the sea on the face for my theatrical design on sebastian.

Smooth blending technique.
Here I tried the blending technique learnt in a pervious unit which works really well and the gradual change in colour, I think, represents the ocean really well taking you from the depths up to the white of the crashing waves however it is very bland and simiple I think it needs more movement and texture within it.
I dohowever think this would work on the face if I used the hair to create the texture of the waves instead but this is something I am going to have to experiment with and draw my conclusions from after.

Artistic Waves.
This piece was inspired from the water makeup on the male makeup page with a more free loose brush stroke application. I have decided this isn't the route I want to go down as it is quiet blended and unclear, I think I need a more defined and percise look for theatre as it need to be seen from a far.
The blending isn't as consistant as the practise above which really lets down the whole feel of it. The paint has lifted where I have tried to blend it and used too much water. Overall I do not like my approach or outcome of this so will be trialling a different look.